The second 26×11 minute pre-school series follows baby Jake and his six year old brother Isaac who translates Jake’s Baby babble about his adventures with his animal friends Pengy Quin, Sydney the Monkey, Nibbles the Rabbit and the Hamsternauts. The series mixes live action with 2D photographic animation.
The second series of the hybrid show is produced by Darrall Macqueen and animated by Irish studio Jam Media. Since launching in July, the first series of ‘Baby Jake’ has had a successful run attracting a peak audience of 460,000 viewers in September.
Series one was an instant success on CBeebies and I’m delighted viewers will be able to rejoin Baby Jake and friends on a host of brand new adventures. Baby Jake is exactly what CBeebies is looking for – warm, funny stories that are presented in a fresh, beautiful way; the show is genuinely unique in its field.
CBeebies controller Kay Benbow